Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Creating Breakthrough Business Models

Led by Langdon Morris of UPenn, this project plans to develop an asimulation/ edutainment software tool to enable managers model the development of breakthrough businesses in their own companies.


Langdon Morris
Definition: A "Business Model" is a description of the business game and a firm's relationship to it.
The process of business modeling is the process of understanding how existing market structures, technologies, and business processes define the game as it is played in a particular industry or market, how these elements are changing, and what new possibilities are emerging. The project therefore examines the complex linkages between the evolution of the market, new technologies, the development of organizational strategy, the design of operations, the management of engineering, R&D and innovation, and the roles they play in the creation of new breakthrough businesses.

Need to be addressed: The purpose of this project is to support the development of sustainable competitive advantage for the sponsoring companies by enabling their executives to understand the principles, systems, and methods by which existing companies create new business breakthroughs. 

Activities planned with timelines: The project team is developing the thesis through a series of workshops that are held inside the sponsoring companies. During the first year of the project, the team will refine and test the thesis and articulate it as a coherent system of thinking and practical methods that can be applied consistently across different industries and geographies. Development of the software tool will take place in years 2 and 3.  

Output desired: The output of the project will be a simulation / edutainment software tool that enables managers to model the development of breakthrough businesses in their own companies.

(To read the article on, please click here)

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