Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Choosing Right Business Model Can Create Success in Start-Up Ventures in Agricultural Sector

Lack of infrastructure in agriculture can lead to successful models

"Everyday twenty-five thousand new businesses are registered in India and more than this number of businesses get closed down everyday..."
This article by RajatK. Baisya documents the business model and success story story of StarAgri Warehousing and Collateral Management started by four youngentrepreneurs. Started with home savings of Rs.20 lakhs (INR 2 million),the business has grown in two years to Rs 2.86 crores (INR 28.6 million) insales and Rs 86 lakhs (INR 8.6 million) in profit with clients like ITC, Britannia and Adani.

Dr. Rajat K. Baisya is the editorial consultant to www.pfionline.com and Professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

(To read the article in detail, please clickhere)

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