Monday, April 11, 2011

Business Model: Organic Contract Farming by ACIL

Vadodara based ACIL Cotton Industries has startedorganic contract farming in hundreds of acres across several districts inGujarat and is also entering the retail sector. In a statement to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) ACILmentioned that it had already piloted farming in various districts of Gujaratsince the last six months, and has harvested BT cotton, tuver (split pigeonpea), jira (cumin) and some herbs.

ACIL's businessmodel has several components as follows: 
- Plans to acquire 2500 acres, near finalization of 450 acres in Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar districts
- Approx 600 acres taken in Ahmedabad and Surendranagar districts on lease/contract
Technology provider: Looking at sourcing technology from Israel. The long term plan is to set up a research and developmentcenter near Anand, Gujarat.
Support provided to farmersACIL provides all facilities like irrigation system,technical assistance, quality seeds, organic fertilizer and Labors (ifrequired) to farmers for better yields after agreement.
Marketing support provided to farmers - ACIL will buy all the crop harvested for sale through its planned retail chain. ACIL's retail chain haspresence across all agro-commodities in all the sectors of trading, import,export, and retailing.
Value proposition to end customers - Retailing only in Agro Commodity with amotto to provide a combination of quality, authentic, good services at best andhard to find rates with a pleasant atmosphere and with the warm feeling.

(To read the article on, please click here)
(To read in detail on, please click here)
(People interested in an earlier entry on Business Standard can click here)

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