Friday, March 11, 2011

Business Models promoted by the Clinton Global Initiative: Commitments to Action

Commitments to Action, a unique feature of Clinton Global Initiative  (CGI)  membership, translates practical goals into meaningful and measurable results. Throughout the year andat the Annual Meeting, CGI acts as a marketplace for a diverse community ofchangemakers to develop commitments that fit their core business andphilanthropic goals. Commitments to Action are new, specific, and measurableinitiatives undertaken by CGI members. 

Varying in sizeand duration, commitments can focus on diverse issues, regions, and types ofactivities. For example, members may develop a new business model that generates social, environmental, or economic value; initiate,scale up, or refocus a service or business project; or provide financialor in-kind support to an organization of their choice. Many commitments are theresult of new and diverse partnerships across sectors, with members combiningefforts to expand the impact of new ideas. After making a commitment, membersreport to CGI on progress made over time. 

Source: (for url please click here)

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